JAnderson - 3/7/2024 09:48 I like your math, seems a lot of guys forget that while buying bulls. I went to the biggest Hereford sale in the state this year, EVERY bull conveniently brought a minimum of $10k (250bulls sold). You have to use their bulls if you want to sell calves to their buyers. The “premium” the buyers gave wouldn’t ever cover the extra cost of the bull(s). That said I ended up with a hopefully nice $5000 Hereford. If he sires 100 calves that would be an extra $15/calf bull cost over a $3500 bull. I think/hope the value added factor will easily offset that cost. Totally agree on no need to spend more than $3,000 to $5,000 for a very good commercial Hereford bull. By "good" I mean with good EPDs (at least the EPDs that are important to you) and good physical structure. Buy a bull from a breeder who raises them as you will use them. Forget the ones with the blue ribbon photos from some show ring. You can also increase a good bull's value, and longevity, by keeping one of his best sons out of your best cow and using him as a bull.
Edited by Jim 3/7/2024 11:36