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Drone license
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Posted 12/12/2024 21:01 (#11006838 - in reply to #11006653)
Subject: RE: Drone license

North Central Iowa
If you are flying for commercial purposes, then you need a Part 107 license for sure. The license is good for 2 years, costs $175 to take the exam, and must be taken at an FAA approved testing center.

If you are flying for fun/recreational/hobby then you need a TRUST certificate, which is free and is good for life, that you can obtain through one of several FAA certified online provider.

Any drone weighing at least 0.55 pounds must be registered with the FAA, costs $5, valid for 3 years, and the FAA number has to be displayed on the outside of the main body of the drone. Also, since last year, any FAA registered drone has to either broadcast its location online either thru the drone's flight system (only newer, FAA approved manufacturers will have this option) or you have to attach a Remote Identification (RID) module to the drone.

While the FAA can't have a person everywhere watching drones, I do know that they are out and about and will conduct on the spot examinations where they will expect you to produce and demonstrate any of the above requirements. Also keep in mind that the FAA is a federal agency so you are violating federal laws which typically come with higher, stronger, and harsher penalties.

That's the basic 5,000' overview of it. Sad fact is, it's only going to take one person to do something dumb with a drone to ruin it for the rest of us. Hope that doesn't happen.

Edited by KevinFButt 12/12/2024 21:03
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