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FMX and dual NMEA input?
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Posted 2/5/2025 18:31 (#11090740 - in reply to #11090501)
Subject: RE: FMX and dual NMEA input?

northeast ohio
Interesting. Lots of questions.

What cabling are you using from the NAV900’s to the FMX?
I assume you are simultaneously using a gfx display to manage the NAV900, correct?
If the NAV900 is unlocked for roll corrected NMEA is that a benefit to FL2 or WM Drain? 96552-17
Are you using a radio on the FMX side of the setup (internal or SNB900) or with the NAV900 such as a AG820?
Have you also used a NAV900 as a second receiver for a TMX2050?

Edited by neo_ag 2/6/2025 01:48
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