John Burns - 2/13/2025 16:39
The thread on the carnivore diet is toward the bottom of this page and about to go to page 2. It was focused on someone who alegedly had problems on a supposed carnivore diet. I say aleged and supposed because what was in the article about what the person ate and how much he ate didn't sound like anyone I am aware of who is on a carnivore diet eats. It was a pretty bizare amount and selection of food.
Here is a presentation by a couple of the main influencer doctors on Youtube that are carnivores themselves and treat or consult with a lot of people that also eat carnivore.
So anyone who is interested in eating mostly or all meat diets might be able to learn something from these two docctors who not only have lived it themselves but also have contact with lot of other people and patients who do.
Thread from below for reference.