NE Ridger - 2/20/2025 11:06
E.Daehler - 2/20/2025 08:48
pigfarmer82 - 2/20/2025 08:37
To receive funding you must be in compliance with your conservation plan and they can check your practices anytime they want on your property. Past 3 years I have had a farm checked. They send a letter your up for review and guy will call when he is coming. I have had no issues so far but being in the programs they do have rights to your property. I started farming in 1996 and never had a check until 3 years ago not sure what changed. This is hel ground they are checking. As stated ad-1026 is another way they tell you what to do with your property. Can’t just drain a wetland.
If everyone drain all the wetlands there would be none left and that could have a complete serveer effect on ecosystem. Not for the government telling me what to do but sometimes we do need a little restraint.
I want to dig a pit in the middle of my farmable wetlands, not to change any water flows across property lines. How will that have a negative effect on the ecosystem? There's no wetland vegetation there now, it's a farmable wetland.