Centre county Pennsylvania, USA | Thanks Art, My plan is to use a (relatively) low cost beacon receiver (like CSI's SBA-1 or MBX-S3 differential beacon receiver) to receive and output beacon corrections in RTCM-104 format to EZGuide plus's dB9 connector. I will not attempt to input beacon corrected positions, only RTCM data, if my EZGuide plus will accept RTCM corrections, that seems to be a somewhat confusing issue here. Our EZGuide plus has Trimble's integrated DGPS receiver and instructions say that we can program it to accept RTCM corrections, however when I select GPS corrections setup screen it does not show option for RCTM corrections. My EZGuide plus firmware has been updated to version 3.1.0 and EZsteer firmware has been updated to latest version, do I need another update to use RTCM corrections or do I need to actually have the RTCM corrections inputing to EZGuide before it's corrections setup screen give the RTCM option ?
Thanks for any comments or clarifications on using RTCM corrections in EZGuide/Steer system. |