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Sticky ****Notice to Precision AG Dealers****

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Frozen    Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 10/31/2007 21:35 (#230071)
Subject: ****Notice to Precision AG Dealers****

Hillsboro, AL

This is a reminder that sales pitches/ads are not allowed on AgTalk. We strongly encourage your participation on our site. You are welcome to answer any questions about your products. You are free to correct any misstatements or misleading information that is posted about your products. Your input is one of the things that make our site so valuable.

We have an unwritten policy of allowing new product announcements when new products are released. We will continue to do that in the future. But we request that you limit yourself to one announcement per product. However, we are starting to have too many posts where a dealer is jumping in on a thread saying look at my product. It can do that for $xxx. We do not want that type of trolling for business here. Please conduct all sales discussions in private.

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