Northeast Nebraska and Candelaria Philippines | chadh is right. Holsteins are great performers if fed correctly. 20 or 30 lb on a 700-800 lb animal is not correct. They need way more energy then corn silage can provide. With that amount of silage, they won't ever finish, you'll just keep building frame. It's been a while since I figured a ration but we fed something like 10% silage 40% corn 40% wdg and 10% supplements. The last group i fed was over 60% choice and prime, and i only had one yg 4 on 100 hd. When everyone else was losing $300 on black cattle I was only losing $100 on the Holsteins. The only other thing you need to do is implant implant and implant. Get those suckers finished by 1300-1350 lbs. How do I know this? My brother and I raised 2700 hd in 2007 from babies. |