NW Mississippi | First let me say that I am not much of a cattleman.....more of a cotton and grain farmer. But we have an angus cow-calf setup of about 600 cows and I am trying to help make that side of the farm more profitable and more efficient. We quit putting up corn silage about 10-15 years ago because of several reasons, one being that our equipment was wearing out. We have been putting out feed and feeding a lot more hay (some tifton 44 bermuda and some mixed grass) and it is just a rediculous waste of manpower, equipment wear, diesel, and fertilizer putting up all that hay and moving it around and feeding it.
I was thinking if we grew some corn on the farm and had it custom harvested for silage we could drastically reduce our inputs and improve the feed quality a lot.
These are some of the questions I have:
How much silage would we need to put up and about how many acres of corn for that sized herd? (Assuming dryland corn average in our area is about 140 bushels/acre...or I guess about 12 tons/acre or so)
We used to put it in ground bunkers or "pits" but I heard that bags were the way to go now?
Looking for suggestions, thanks.
Edited by doeslayer 2/28/2009 15:09
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